Millercare Blog


What is the best folding mobility scooter?

A folding mobility scooter is an electric scooter created for easy portability and storage. It can be compacted and folded into a more diminutive form, allowing users to take it in cars or public transport.


What is a rollator?

Rollators can come in many forms, but a standard rollator typically consists of a strong frame (made from aluminium), comfortable handlebars and four wheels.


Your guide to mobility walking aids

Today, we’ll help you get to grips with the five most widely-used mobility devices, how they can benefit the body and recommend top brands you should consider.


What is a zimmer frame?

Mobility experts Millercare are here to answer the question: “What is a zimmer frame?”

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What is a class 3 mobility scooter?

Before you find the right vehicle, knowing more about how mobility scooters are classified is essential. So, what are class 3 mobility scooters?

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Can you take a mobility scooter on a plane?

You can take your mobility scooter on a plane, so long as you make the right preparations. By alerting the airline that you intend to travel with a scooter, you can make the experience altogether less stressful.


How to use a bedpan

Bedpans can improve the lives of patients and caregivers with their convenience. Whether you choose reusable or disposable commodes, these devices help people with limited mobility perform daily tasks more independently.

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Can you take a mobility scooter on a plane?

You can take your mobility scooter on a plane, so long as you make the right preparations. By alerting the airline that you intend to travel with a scooter, you can make the experience altogether less stressful.

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What is episodic mobility?

Episodic mobility does not refer to one specific condition. Rather, it refers to individuals who experience a temporary reduction in mobility and agility: it’s not a consistent problem but something occasional.

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An easy guide to using a hoist

A hoist is a lifting device that is used to move patients from one place to another. These are used for people with limited mobility or those in serious critical condition. Hoists are often found in hospitals and elderly care homes.


Wheelchair ramps: A simple guide to UK regulations

The Equality Act 2010 imposes the responsibility of ‘reasonable adjustment’ on all service providers and public bodies to accommodate those with limited mobility. Wheelchair ramps must follow technical specifications for the gradient, width, and surface. This also includes various safety features and materials involved in the construction of the ramp.


How to clean commode stains for a fresh appearance

Commode toilets are beneficial for a variety of customers. This includes seniors with mobility issues and those with disabilities which affect their motility. However, you must keep your commode toilet as fresh and clean as you would a regular toilet. Today, Millercare will guide you through the maintenance of commode toilets and how to get rid of stains quickly and efficiently.

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Shoe horns: Their types, benefits, and tips for using them

Do you struggle to put your shoes on in the morning? If so, shoe horns are your saving grace. These simplify your morning routine, reducing strain on the body for those with mobility issues. Today, Millercare will guide you through the different types of shoe horns, their benefits, and how to use them.


12 best mobile phones for the elderly in the UK

For those with mobility issues or additional needs, finding a phone that can accommodate your requirements can be challenging. However, at Millercare, we have the perfect solution. Our Powertel M50 is a popular choice for elderly customers, and we can see why.

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8 exercises to strengthen weak legs in the elderly

Weakness of the body can lead to potential falls and injury, so it’s best to get ahead of it by bringing exercise into your daily routine. It can be challenging to keep the body moving as an elderly individual, especially if you deal with arthritis or mobility issues. However, Millercare will guide you through easy exercise steps to help strengthen weak legs in seniors.


Easy Gardening for the Elderly

Gardening is a great activity for people of all ages, especially for the elderly, as it encourages physical activity outdoors. Besides physical health benefits, gardening can elevate moods, serving as a stress reliever and a relaxing hobby for settling the mind.


5 ways to help an elderly family member walk again

When the simple act of walking becomes a hurdle, it impacts more than just physical health; it reduces quality of life and impacts wellbeing. However, there are things you can do to help an elderly family member slowly regain strength and the ability to walk.


12 Fun Activity Ideas for the Elderly

Today, Millercare will walk you through easy and fulfilling activity ideas for the older generation. Whether you’re a carer wanting to help a patient or a customer looking to switch up your daily routine, our blog will inspire you to make some healthy changes.


When Were Wheelchairs Invented?: A History Lesson

The invention of the wheelchair led to a world of inclusivity, freedom, and support for those with mobility issues. But when exactly was it created, and by whom? King Phillip II of Spain, in 1595, was the first person to use a type of wheelchair that had to be pushed with assistance. However, 22-year-old Stephan Farffler introduced the first self-propelled wheelchair in 1665.


6 Aids to Help You Get in and Out of Bed

Bed rails are essential for those who require assistance getting in and out of bed. Their easy-grip design helps pull you out of bed and offers support for manoeuvring out of a lying position.


5 Foods To Help Manage Symptoms of Bowel Incontinence

Navigating life with bowel incontinence can be challenging and frustrating. However, there are ways you can manage your symptoms through the foods you eat. Our diets are a powerful asset when it comes to managing our health and supporting our digestive system.


6 Tips for Improving Ankle Mobility

Ankle mobility is the key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It plays a crucial role in improving your ability to walk or run longer distances, enhancing your overall physical fitness. Whether you’re recovering from an injury or trying to improve mobility as an elderly individual, our guide will walk you through six easy tips for improving ankle mobility.


6 Best Wheelchair Accessible Holidays in the UK

At Millercare, we have compiled a list of the top wheelchair-accessible destinations in the UK to brighten up your summer. From vibrant city life to beach getaways and places brimming with culture, these destinations promise a trip to remember. Better yet, you can embark on a hassle-free journey that promises comfort and inclusivity.


5 Best Mobility Beds For Your Home

A good night's sleep is essential, and a bed tailored to your needs can make a world of difference. Mobility beds are designed to improve sleep, health, and independence. Whether you’re looking for a luxury design or a simple solution, we have compiled our top five mobility beds from Millercare to help you make the right choice.


5 Ways to Improve Shoulder Mobility

Whether you’re an older adult who suffers from mobility loss or an athlete suffering from shoulder pain, enhancing shoulder mobility is key to reducing pain and strengthening your shoulders.


6 Travel Tips for Seniors

Travelling as you get older can prove to be more challenging, but it doesn’t have to be any less fun! Although you may have to clear space in your suitcase for medication or living aids, the experience can be just as enriching and adventurous as when you were younger.

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What is a Bedpan? Everything You Need to Know

When it comes to medical care, there are a lot of tools and equipment used that most people may not be familiar with. One such item is a bedpan, which is used to help patients relieve themselves when they are unable to get out of bed. In this article, we’ll explore what a bedpan is, the different types available, how they are used, and much more.

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How to Use a Walking Stick

Stay with Millercare as we give you a step-by-step guide on how to use a walking stick, with tips and precautions to get you on your feet.


What is a commode toilet?

Commode toilets, also known as ‘commode chairs’, are non-flushing, portable toilets commonly used by adults.


7 Best Electric Wheelchairs in the UK

Unlike manual wheelchairs, electric wheelchairs are propelled by a joystick or control panel that allows the user to move forward, backwards, and turn quickly.

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How To Use A Zimmer Frame: Step By Step

A Zimmer frame or a walking frame is an extremely useful piece of mobility equipment that provides stability, balance and an extra helping hand to people with mobility issues.


Living with Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson’s disease can be a life-changing diagnosis. However, it does not have to completely alter your life. By taking the correct steps, you can live with the condition without having to make too many changes.


How To Use A Perching Stool

Perching stools are a great aid to have in your home if you struggle with standing up for too long, whether that is due to pain or fatigue. Perching stools can be used in all rooms in your home.


5 Best Massage Chairs

A massage chair is a great way to ease pain and increase comfort, these chairs are practical and a true investment in the long run. Massages can be expensive and impractical to get to, so a massage chair is a great alternative.


5 Benefits of Compression Socks

Compression socks or stockings are great for people who are looking for comfort, to improve their performance in sports, live with medical conditions and improve blood circulation. A simple addition to your life can make a huge difference!


How Fast Do Mobility Scooters Go?

Mobility scooters are a great way to get out and about. If you struggle with mobility, then scooters can help you get from A to B at a much quicker pace than walking or using a wheelchair.


8 Best Home Adaptations for the Disabled

Read Millercare's list of the 8 best home adaptions for the disabled, which will make your life easier and help you to stay independent. We will talk about outdoor ramps, bath lifts, stairlifts and much more!


Your Guide To Incontinence Products

Here at Millercare we pride ourselves on being able to assist people with their mobility and daily living, no matter what the issue may be. We have created a handy guide to help you know the difference between our incontinence products and help you make the right choice of which product may be most useful for your needs.


10 Essential Wheelchair Accessories for Everyday Convenience

From the high-tech to the simple and understated, there are numerous wheelchair accessories that make life easier and more convenient. Whether you’re shopping for yourself or a loved one, here are our top picks for essential wheelchair accessories for everyday convenience.


Powerchairs vs Manual Wheelchairs

When it comes to choosing the right wheelchair for your needs, it’s important to choose one that not only suits your lifestyle, but one that’s affordable and within your budget as well.


4 Tips For Travelling By Car With A Wheelchair

When you have a wheelchair, oftentimes your reduced mobility can affect the way in which you travel. Below are some of our top tips for a comfortable journey when travelling with a wheelchair, and how you can make the most of a trip without hassle.


All About Incontinence

There are lots of myths surrounding incontinence and one umbrella term does not fit all with incontinence, there are different types and varying degrees. We have included some helpful information into one post about the different types of incontinence.

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4 Ways To Make Your Home Wheelchair Accessible

If you need to make your home more accessible for your wheelchair, it doesn’t have to mean breaking the bank. There are plenty of ways in which you can upgrade your home on a budget and embrace independence as a wheelchair user. Below are our top tips on how to make a house wheelchair friendly.


How Far Can an Electric Wheelchair Go

Many of our customers ask “how far can an electric wheelchair go?”, and the simple answer is that each electric wheelchair differs from the others we have in stock. A lot of factors go into the distance an electric wheelchair can go, such as the weight of the user, their driving style, and the surfaces on which the electric wheelchair is used the most.


Children’s Mobility Aids

At Millercare, we offer a range of mobility and living aids to aid and help children no matter their ailment. We offer walking frames, mobility scooters, wheelchairs and more. Here is our guide to mobility aids available on the website, along with our top suggestions for use.


Living Aids for the Bedroom

These bedroom mobility aids are designed to help you easily and safely get in and out of bed, sleep comfortably and get you dressed with ease. There are even aids to help ensure you can eat, drink and keep entertained whilst in bed too.


What To Do If You’re Anxious About Falling

As we get it’s older, it’s normal to become anxious about trips and falls that can potentially harm us. In the UK alone, a third of people aged 65 and older will fall at least once this year.


8 Ways to Keep Warm on a Budget

Heating bills can get expensive in the colder months, but there are plenty of things that you can do to stay warm without spending a fortune. Here are 8 ways to keep warm on a budget.


15 Things to Do While You’re Bedbound

Being bed-bound can feel stagnating, especially if you are not able to move around much. Here are some things you can do in order to keep yourself occupied.

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Millercare To Supply Care Shop Orders

Millercare will be fulfilling all of Care Shop Stockport's B2C orders, Stockport community equipment prescriptions, and all of the other services Care Shop provided.


Common Myths About Incontinence

Incontinence is actually a common experience for millions of people around the world, but no one likes to talk about this because of the associated shame.


Which Mobility Scooter Suits Your Needs?

A mobility scooter can make daily routines easier and increase independence for anyone with limited mobility. From moving around your own property to going out to the shops, there are many uses for mobility scooters.


Your Comprehensive Guide to PIP

This guide will answer all your questions regarding PIP (Personal Independence Payment) including questions regarding eligibility criteria and the application process.


Wheelchair Buying Guide

Depending on your personal circumstances, choosing a wheelchair for yourself can be a daunting prospect. This guide has been made to dispel any worries you may have, and help you decide on the best wheelchair for you.

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Key Products to Help Caregivers

Caregivers offer key help to loved ones and other individuals up and down the country. Here are our top recommended products to help caregivers.


What We Do for Our Customers

Although we offer an excellent service for our customers both in store and online, we offer so much more than mobility products.


Living Aids for Parkinson's Disease

If you’re looking for living aids which can help those who suffer from Parkinson’s disease, see the section below for our recommended products.


Living Aids for Chronic Illness

Chronic Illness can raise all sorts of issues in your day to day life. Not only can your condition leave you with lasting effects, but certain medications can interfere with your productivity, routine, and mental health. Below are some living aids that can assist those who live with Chronic Illness here in the UK.


The Best Wheelchairs for Travelling

Although you may be wheelchair bound, it doesn’t have to stop you from travelling around the UK or to your favourite destinations. With wheelchair options for travel and terrain, you’ll find that we offer some of the best wheelchairs for travel here in the UK.
