How To Choose the Right Mobility Scooter
Losing your independence can have a very profound emotional effect. Unfortunately, it can happen quite often when someone has a disability, an injury or simply loses their mobility through old age. However, Millercare hopes to assist people who have lost their mobility with our range of stylish, efficient and high quality mobility scooters for UK customers, helping you get back out in the world proudly live your life as you normally would.
How do I choose the right mobility scooter for me?
Before choosing what kind of electric mobility scooter you wish to purchase, either for yourself or for a close family member, you should determine what are your primary needs. Millercare has a range of different products available for a range of different needs, and we want to ensure you are getting the perfect disability scooter for your unique requirements.
You should consider what size and type you need. Our selection of car boot/transportable mobility scooters is perfect if you wish to just go around the shops, take it on public transport or easily dismantle it to fit it in the back of a vehicle. Meanwhile, larger Class 3 models are better for long-distance movement as they are built to be used on the road as well as pavements.
We also allow customers to choose from 3-wheeled and 4-wheeled scooters. The former provides increased mobility for tight spaces, whereas the latter is perfect for navigating uneven terrains such as slopes or bumpy pavements.
What should I know about using a mobility scooter in the UK?
The loss of independence can be a very painful time for someone whose mobility has deteriorated. Mobility scooters are an ideal solution for this, allowing you to get around without assistance and live your life like you normally would. There are several things you should keep in mind, however.
First of all, it is important to remember that speed limits apply. Speed is limited to 4mph on pavements and 8mph on roads (where you should ensure you are as close to the pavement as possible so cars can overtake when necessary).
Similarly, like any motorised vehicle, if you do plan to use one of our road-equipped mobility scooters you must remember that the usual Highway Code applies. And like any motorised vehicle, you can also get insurance - and you definitely should - covering yourself against accidents and theft.
What accessories can be included with the scooter?
Our range of scooter accessories includes:
- Scooter/wheelchair coats, macs and cosy toes
- Mobility ponchos and aprons, scooter/power wheelchair capes and storage covers
- Scooter control panel covers
- Wheelchair/scooter bags and cushions
- Cane/crutch holders and wheelchair lap straps
- Net bags, wheelchair gloves, reflective arm bands and heated waistcoats
Why you should purchase a mobility scooter from Millercare
In business for over 60 years, Millercare has developed a reputation for being one of the leading suppliers in mobility and healthcare products in the North of England. We have staff with unrivalled knowledge, experience and training for providing our customers with the best possible service both before and after they purchase from us. We have locations across the North West of England - including showrooms in Manchester, Wigan, Preston and Warrington - but our online store is where you can get the best offers. Furthermore, no matter how much you order, deliveries over £30 are absolutely free of charge.